- Advanced DSP-based solution
for handsets & headsets - Clear natural sounding
speech without artifacts - Unsurpassed performance
in noisy environments - Low memory use & small
processing footprint - Single-vendor audio solution:
- Simplifies licensing and
integration processes
- Saves platform resources
- Reduces development costs - Optimized for CSR BlueCore5-
Multimedia family of ICs - Optimized for ARM 7/9/11
and ARM Cortex+Neon processor families - Optimized for Tensilica HiFi
Audio DSP platform

for Mobile Devices and Media Players

QVoice delivers an advanced suite of proprietary voice enhancements that dramatically improve the quality and clarity of voice communications in a diverse array of applications and operating requirements.
Hand-held, automotive and computer-based communications systems are subject to an assortment of unpredictable noise conditions. Microphone and speaker configurations combine with the surrounding acoustic environment to create multiple challenges for traditional echo cancellation and noise suppression techniques. Applications are subject to highly variable real-world operating constraints from processing delay, to memory and processor load considerations.
QVoice meets the challenge with scalable processing, flexible configuration options and cutting edge technology enabling optimal voice communication performance in each user environment.
QVoice single and dual* microphone noise suppression effectively reduces both stationary and non-stationary background noise. Noise suppression can be applied to both transmit and receive audio channels.
QVoice acoustic echo cancellation enables high quality, full duplex communication, while robustly adapting to changing acoustic conditions and echo path distortions.
QVoice supports both “close-talk” (handset) and “far-talk” (speakerphone) applications as well as narrow-band and HD Voice (wide-band and super-wide-band) audio formats.
* Calibration required with customer device
Product Suite
The QVoice suite of voice enhancement technology consists of:
- TX / RX noise reduction and speech enhancement
- Acoustic echo cancellation
- Noise-dependent volume control in RX
- Hearing exposure monitoring and alert in A2DP / HSP
Noise-Dependent Auto Volume Control
- adjusts the volume based on ambient noise
- adjusts RX volume based on ambient noise
- improves voice intelligibility in high noise
- eliminates constant volume re-adjustment
- intelligent tracking for optimum voice quality
- ensures smooth and natural dialog at all times
- eliminates need for constant volume adjustment
Bi-Directional Noise Reduction
- excellent performance with all noise types
- simultaneous noise reduction in TX and RX
- single & beamforming dual mic support
- up to 30dB noise attenuation
- fast convergence with low delay
- integrated speech enhancement
- works well when in tandem with a 2nd NR
- improves voice recognition system accuracy
Full Duplex Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- cancel echos coupled from speaker to mic
- fast convergence & deep echo cancellation
- robust double-talk performance
- 8k and 16k sample rate support
- configurable filter length for all acoustic
environments - robust handling of echo path distortions
User Exposure Monitoring and Alert
- continuously monitors acoustic energy
through the headset - calculates accumulative hearing exposure
in HSP and A2DP - configurable loudspeaker setting for
precise measurement - notifies user if pre-defined acoustic energy level is reached
- notification message can be deactivated
and reactivated
Optimization and Integration
Audio solutions by QSound Labs have been rigorously optimized with the participation of our major industry partners focusing on three critical requirements: Quality, Memory Footprint, and Performance.
QSound’s comprehensive suite of new voice enhancement technologies are optimised to run on Kalimba DSP, Tensilica HiFi Audio DSP and ARM 7/9/11/Cortex+Neon processors. The Master Headset Application combination of audio and voice solutions from QSound are ideal for module selection and speedy integration to deliver new products with unique features.
For detailed technical information, please contact a QSound representative or email us at info@qsound.com.